
Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Harriet Tubman (Writing)

Harriet Tubman 

In Social Studies, we have been doing some research about Harriet Tubman, we also are learning about the S.E.E.L. paragraph, so we were asked to write a S.E.E.L. paragraph about Harriet Tubman.

What is the S.E.E.L paragraph?
SEEL paragraph a construction of paragraphs to show/prove the point of something.
S - Statement - Reflects the question. Starts it off. It may have some classification in it.
E - Explain - It is where you write the "why" part. Must use "because" to show you are explaining.
E - Example - Shows you can apply the "real world" to the explanation.
L - Link - It ties the paragraph back to the starting statement or take you to the next paragraph.

Here is my writing:

Harriet Tubman was one of the well-known "conductor" in the underground railroad. The underground railroad was one of the most dependable systems slaves used to escape from their masters. Harriet's hard work wasn't put in vain as she escaped and made it to the north where it was safe. She came back to save other slaves and made 19 trips. It was successful because she saved roughly 300 slaves. Slaves knew where to go/ what to do through the help of spirituals/songs which made it harder for their masters to realise how slaves escape without making it obvious or without having someone to tell them. In conclusion without the help of Harriet Tubman, many slaves would never be able to escape and the underground railroad would not be known by many slaves.

Image result for harriet tubman

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