
Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Essay Planning Continued - COB&B (Children of Blood and Bone)

Essay Planning Continued

The incident of the festival helped me to understand the idea of the violence is ineffective because usually, it doesn't help the situation at all - it only makes the situation worse. we see this in the text when the narrator writes " Please" Zu steps forward. "Don't move!" the commander shouts nack, pulling out his sword. "Search us if you must," Zu responds. "We will agree to an examination. But please, lower your weapons" She raises her hands in surrender. "I don't want anyone to get hur-" It happens too fast. Too fast. One moment Zu stands. The next, an arrow pierces through her gut.

For completely no reason, they shot Zulaika right in her stomach, a child, an innocent child. Raising her hand in surrender paid back the opposite, her death. What's a child got to do with any of this, her magic can't even do any harm. What's worse is that she was killed by an army full of adults.

Moreover, the incident of the festival helped me to understand the idea of the violence wrong and ineffective because it is wrong, too many people died and many people have to sacrifice their lives just to let other people live, also it only makes the majis angrier and makes their lives more miserable

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