
Tuesday, 6 August 2019

The Power of One Essay

Last Term we've studied some film techniques and watched the movie The Power of One and write an essay about it, so here's my short writing about it.

The Power of One

During the harrowing time of apartheid, a lot of injustices were served to the black population of South Africa. In the film The Power of One, directed by John Avildsen, the scene where Sergeant Borman forces Geel Piet to eat donkey excrement paints a vivid picture of the ill-treatment towards black people. The following techniques are used in this scene: diegetic sound, camera angles and shots, and dialogue. These film techniques helped convey this important idea and caused the scene to have a strong impact on the audience. 

Firstly, John Avildsen makes a decision of putting a piece of background music on top of the foreground’s diegetic music as it uplifts the atmosphere in contrast with the scene. He did this to show how Black Africans are contented on what they have and be happy about it. This creates a very atmospheric scene and has a good balance that makes the film interesting.

Feedback to myself:

One thing that I am proud of in this essay is I started writing my essay even though I wasn't here most of the time.
Next time, I could work on this essay at home as well as using online tools like Grammarly and read-write to proofread my essay.
One thing that I enjoyed learning about the film was the different techniques because I didn't know that there are many more film techniques than I thought. What I found Challenging about learning this film is that as soon as we finished watching the film, we are asked to write an essay. One thing I learned that I will use the next time I write an essay is to know all the aspect of the task that you are writing about so that you'll know what to include onto your essay. What I am wondering about is how I could be more provident in composing my writing.

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