
Thursday, 27 June 2019

Metals And Oxygen

Aim: To make a metal oxide and observe the difference in properties of the product compared to the reactants.


  • A piece of magnesium 
  • Bunsen burner
  • Safety glasses
  • Metal scissors tongs.

  1. Light your bunsen burner.
  2. Hold your piece of magnesium in the scissor tongs. Ensure you are holding onto the very tip of the magnesium.
  3. Place the other end of the magnesium into the Bunsen flame (at the top of the blue flame)
  4. When the magnesium begins to burn, do not look directly at it, as the light emitted can permanently damage your eyes.
The magnesium strip emitted a white light that was very bright for at least 5 seconds.

The magnesium strip took quite a while to burn, but as soon as it burns, it produced a bright white light.

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