I woke up one-day blurry-eyed, having no clue of the harsh noise of people outside. My anger simmers like the heat in the air, waking up Juliet accidentally. I rushed downstairs to observe the crowd gathering around the bulletin board squeezing into the crowd to visualise what is on the board. I read the flyer attached on the board while mentally keeping positive. While scanning through the flyer, I came across a sentence which caught my eye, " a better future for your family" it says, I had a short mental-breakdown nevertheless, I made my self stable and rush to Juliet to deliver her this good news.
We thoroughly discussed this data, however, Juliet mentioned about the money, she said: " How are we supposed to afford this much, my love?". It was at that very moment that I sat down in silence, not even a single word came out of my lips. It was our job day the very next morning, I worked hard and Juliet's words kept echoing in my mind " How are we suppose to afford this, my love?", it kept on repeating in my mind whenever I feel giving up on work. After about a year of saving, we gained enough money to afford a ticket to migrate to New Zealand. On the same day, we booked a ticket, so the next day we to the ship port.
Amazingly, we felt abounding emotions, after a few moments, our emotions sank in and we went into the ship. We didn't know where to proceed, so we were "entertained" by an old man, the very next minute, we were faced with a disgusting bed and cramped space onto the steerage. We felt kinda disappointed, nevertheless, we just focused on the positives. After a few days into our journey, Juliet got absolutely sick to the point that she vomited blood, I truly got worried so I took care for quite some time. Miraculously, after three days Juliet got well, I still took off her to just to be sure she is well enough. It was about a week when we finally arrived at Lyttleton harbour, it was a little different for both of us, kinda unusual I would say, for such a faraway country, we really like this fresh ambience of this new country, we got so used to it we didn't even recall our past lives back in London. Our jobs here have more opportunity as well as more money to earn. 20 years late we decided to travel back to London, from where we took our parents with us back in New Zealand.
Great job for your creativity in writing. Be waiting for more of your writing .