1.What training do you need to be a Geologist? to be a geologist you have to prepare in high school,although high schools don't usually offer devoted geology course.You may take computer courses to formulate sample analysis and intelligence processing obligation when you're a geologist. You have to earn the bachelor's degree,the course load will include meteorology,mineralogy,tectonics,stratiography and hydrology most programs also have you participate in one or more field study courses.Third one you have to earn the Masters Degree and you have to obtain your license.
2.What do you do for an average day on the job?
A typical day starts with driving approximately 40 minutes to my office where I will work closely with my boss, co-managers and staff that happen to be in the office. Many of my staff members are based out of different offices, so I don’t see them every day. I usually start my day with checking emails, where I receive the bulk of my assignments from upper management and receive notifications from staff on any administrative and technical issues or information.
Most of my day is spent on administrative tasks, problem solving, communicating our efforts to others, organizing, planning and evaluating Section processes, and developing employees. Administrative tasks include approving time off requests from employees, reviewing budgets and expenditures such as for parts and supplies, and interviewing prospective employees. Problems can be anything from mechanical issues with the rig to conflicting contractor schedules to determining the funding source for a new priority well site. Communication on the status of our efforts to others is important and I do this by attending meetings, giving presentations, and making sure our technical reports and data are shared with others. Future planning for upcoming well sites and needed budgets are also essential, and I continuously evaluate our processes and track our progress, making changes as needed to increase efficiency. One of my favorite parts of my job is developing employees. Whether it’s by coaching them on their presentation for the first time or providing them training opportunities, an employee’s success is one of my top priorities.
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