Alexander the great is a military genius because he used different tactics to battle against their enemies. Alexander has equipped his troops with long 'Sarissa'. He has fought in a 'Phalanx' formation.
This is what a Phalanx formation looks like:

This formation is able to swap troops when the ones at the front get tired; Together with their long Sarissa, they are able to reach the enemies without them being in contact with them. Not only that, the people at the back are also able to attack and combat the enemies.
There were also the Thracian Peltasts. They are the archers, slingers and javelins. They are only lightly armoured.
Light troops are similar to the Thracian Peltasts, they are also archers for alexander.
The Companion Cavalry are the elite troops. They consist of 8 Squadrons who make up Macedonian nobles. They charge in a wedge-shaped formation.