
Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The Importance of Empathy

What is Empathy?

Empathy- The ability to understand someone else's feelings as if they are your own.

I learnt that empathy:
  • Is putting your self in someone else's feelings.
  • Needs work and practice,it requires each one of us not just to think to our selves.
  • Is being there for people who you know struggles.
  • Caring for someone else's feelings

Can you see inside others hearts?

  • They are smiling because they are successful on their medication.
  • Smiling even thou he's tumor is cancerous
  • Sad because they're sickness is too worse to be medicate
Why is Empathy Important?

Empathy is important because if there is no empathy we do not care about what other's feel, we do not feel what others feel, we don't know the importance of each other.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

We have been learning to do sketching in arts

We have look at having the neatest and the most detailed work book to get excellent and your sketch should be really detailed