
Monday, 25 July 2016

Leaders in Science


                                      Isaac Newton

              Sir Isaac Newton PRS  was an English Physicist and Mathematician who is widely recognised as
              one of the most influential scientist of all time and a key figure in the scientific revolution
              He was born in January 4,1643 and died at March 31,1727 and he influenced Albert Einstein,
              Edmond Halley,John Theophilus Desaguliers,William Whiston,Thomas Bayes,John keill.
              And he is influenced by Johannes Kepler,Nicolaus Copernicus,Rene Descartes,Robert Boyle,
              Christiaan Huygens,Isaac Barrow.
              His siblings are Hannah Smith Pilkington,Benjamin Smith and Marry Smith.He earn a bachelor's                     degree from the prestigious university.And he earn the master's degree  in
              Isaac Newton explained the universe through mathematics.He formulated laws of motion and
              Isaac Newton used three laws to explain the way objects move.They are often call Newton's
              The second law explains how a force acts on an objects.
              The third law states that if an object is pushed or pulled.
               Isaac Newton thought about gravity and the apple falling from a tree to the moon being kept in
               orbit by it's mutual attraction with earth. 

              And he is the inventor of the prism

            prism, in optics, a piece of translucent glass or crystal used to form a spectrum of light separated                   according to colors. Its cross section is usually triangular. The light becomes separated because                     different wavelengths or frequencies are refracted (bent) by different amounts as they enter the prism             obliquely and again as they leave it (see refraction). The shorter wavelengths, toward the blue or                   violet end of the spectrum, are refracted by the greatest amount; the longer wavelengths, toward the               red end, are refracted the least. The Nicol prism is a special type of prism made of calcite; it is used               for polarization of light.

                  He is the inventor of the reflecting telescope too

           The Newtonian telescope is a type of reflecting telescope invented by the British scientist Sir              Isaac Newton (1642–1727), using aconcave primary mirror and a flat diagonal secondary mirror.            Newton’s first reflecting telescope was completed in 1668 and is the earliest known functional                  reflecting telescope.[1] The Newtonian telescope's simple design makes it very popular                            with amateur telescope makers.[2]

Natural Ginger Ale
A naturally fermented old-fashioned ginger ale (also once called Ginger Beer) that contains beneficial probiotics and enzymes.
 Author: A naturally fermented old-fashioned ginger ale (also once called Ginger Beer) that contains beneficial probiotics and enzymes.
Recipe type: Cultured - Beverage
  • A 1-2 inch piece of fresh ginger root, minced. Adjust this to taste. I use 2 inches as I prefer a stronger ginger taste.
  • ½ cup of organic sugar or rapadura sugar. if using plain sugar, add 1 tablespoon molasses for flavor and minerals.
  • ½ cup fresh lemon or lime juice
  • ½ tsp sea salt or himalayan salt
  • 8 cups of filtered (chlorine free) water (Here is the water filter we use)
  • ½ cup homemade ginger bug (or can use ¼ cup whey for a faster recipe though the flavor won't be quite as good.Here is a tutorial for how to make whey)
  1. Make a "wort" for your ginger ale by placing 3 cups of the water, minced ginger root, sugar (and molasses if needed), and salt in a saucepan and bringing to a boil.
  2. Simmer the mixture for about five minutes until sugar is dissolved and mixture starts to smell like ginger.
  3. Remove from heat and add additional water. This should cool it but if not, allow to cool to room temperature before moving to the next step.
  4. Add fresh lemon or lime juice and ginger bug (or whey).
  5. Transfer to a 2 quart glass mason jar with a tight fitting (air-tight) lid. Stir well and put lid on.
  6. Leave on the counter for 2-3 days until carbonated and transfer to the fridge where it will last indefinitely.
  7. Watch this step carefully. Using whey will cause it to ferment more quickly and it will take less time. It should be bubble and should "hiss" like a soda when the lid is removed. This is very temperature dependent and the mixture may need to be burped or stirred during this fermentation time on the counter.
  8. As with any traditional fermented drink, it is more of an art than a science as it depends on the strength of your culture, the temperature of your house and the sugar used. The final mixture should smell of ginger and slightly of yeast/fermentation and should be fizzy. Watch carefully that it doesn't become too carbonated as this will cause too much pressure and may result in an exploding jar!
  9. The mixture can be strained and transferred to Grolsch style bottles before putting in the fridge (we like these bottles).
  10. Strain before drinking.
  11. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.